Heater hose replacement. ON an 80’s Porsche 911SC if you ordered an Air Conditioner on your car you might have
a problem getting heat in your car. That would be because the AC cooler is mounted under the engine hood. And there is hardly any room at all anyway. With that AC cooler on , that brings the hood down another 2 inches. But you have a aluminum heater hose there and yes your hood will squash it when it closes.
( Add 005 here along with 006 )
What you have to do is add a smaller hose …aluminum because of the heat..a regular air heater hose. but you will have to add an reducer fitting to fit into that smaller hose and a expander end to get it back to the original
size so it can get mounted to the Y fitting under the hood also. Yes the new smaller hose will still get small dents on it. But at least it will not completely dent up so no heat could get through. A few minor dents are better than one or two major dents. Also The AC unit on these Porsche’s was junk even new, so you will have to get a custom made one for about 1000 bucks. I will be doing that soon.

1. In this project I will be installing a Temp guage/ Inside & Out/ Clock/ and Volt gauge all in one tiny cluster that plugs into your cigarette lighter.

2. The first thing you must do is check out the batteries in the unit. Flip the unit over and remove the little cover with the tiny phillips screw in it. Just push the batteries down all the way in the unit. The clock should come on. If it does not you must replace the batteries.

4. After that you will will have to go in the car and find the end of the wire you pushed through the fire wall. Then you will have to tape the wire for the sensor to the end of the wire you you just pushed through.
5. Then you can go ahead and pull the wire through the fire wall and out to your hood area. Now you are going to have to reattach the sensor back to your wire. But first you should find out where you are going to mount the outside temp sensor. You need to mound the sensor so it is free of all dirt and debree and rain. This unit just has double sided tape mounted to it so you just remove the backing and push it on where you want it. Make sure that the area you are pushing it on to is clean and grease free or the unit might not stick. The one I placed on I polked a hole through the hood weather stripping and passed the wire through it. Then I soldered on the sensor and attached it. I placed my sensor right next to the air intake for the passenger compartment but just under the hood so it kept dry in the
6. After that you will need to reattach the sensor back to the wire. You will need a wire stripper, solder, a solder iron, shrink sleeve, acid flux…oh…rosin core solder, a heat gun to shrink the shrink sleeves. You must tin the ends of the wires first. That means you must dip the ends of the stripped wire ends in the acid flux then get the solder to cover them. They will be much easier to solder that way.And don’t forget to put the shrink tubing/sleeve over the wire before you solder the wires together.

7.Here is the sensor under the hood was placed.
8. Make sure you have the clock working before you place the gauge in the car…it should look like this Place clock works here photo. I used double sided tape on one side of my unit to hold it in. ON the other side of the gauge I use some black vinyl and just pushed it in place. The unit plugs into the Cigarette lighter. I did get a Y adapter to plug into mine so I could still use the outlet. I will be replacing the Cigarette lighter soon, so then I will hard wire in the gauge.